Move with me

Class Reviews

  • Being a first time parent, it was amazing and comforting to learn the little things that I could do with my son that would make all the difference.

    As soon as my son and I met Alana and began working with her, there was an immediate sense of relief! From the beginning, Alana created a warm and welcoming space for my son to move and grow and for me to ask my questions and calm any anxieties I had. Alana offered specific techniques to help my son advance his tummy time and work on his core muscles to learn to roll and sit up on his own. Being a first time parent, it was amazing and comforting to learn the little things that I could do with my son that would make all the difference. Alana explained the importance of floor time, having objects within reach for my son to start to reach for and grasp onto, and different positions for him to sit and lie in to allow him to move his body in new ways and discover his own strength. It has been so helpful working with Alana and learning how to be intentional with play time so that my son can gain independence as he learns about his body and the world around him.

  • Alana’s classes have been so informative and fun!

    Alana’s classes have been so informative and fun, and have helped me build my knowledge base, tool kit, and confidence as a first time mom. She is well-versed in so many topics and no question is off limits. She has given me tips on understanding my baby’s cues, has shown me new tummy time and side-lying positions to help optimize his growth and development, and has even helped me improve his daytime nap schedule!

  • I looked forward to this class every week

    Week after week I have been so grateful to attend the pre-crawler class. My baby is premature and her development has looked very different from other children. It has been so wonderful to have a space outside of our therapy sessions to bring my daughter so she can have fun while learning to move and get stronger. Alana created a supportive environment. It was so nice for me to have a space to bring my child where I knew she was advancing her skills and where I could get support from other parents.

  • Alana’s Tummy Time classes have been so incredibly valuable.

    Alana’s Tummy Time classes have been so incredibly valuable. Prior to attending the class, tummy time felt like a chore and my son wasn’t necessarily a big fan. Alana taught us so many tips and tricks to make it more productive and enjoyable. Now I see it as an opportunity to bond with my son and it’s been so rewarding to see him become stronger every day! Alanna has also helped me identify hunger and sleep cues, provided advice on burping and feeding, and most importantly given me a ton of confidence and reassurance. As a first time mom, I am very appreciative to have a safe space to ask any questions without judgement and learn from a true expert!

  • I gained knowledge and a community

    Alana’s Pre-crawler class was the first class I attended with my daughter. I was sleep deprived and struggled to get out of the door and to the class on time. Once I arrived I was so relieved to be in community with other parents going through the same joys and challenges. I felt less alone. Being able to show up to class just as I am was such a gift. Each week I really looked forward to our cozy class and always left feeling empowered with more knowledge and ways to connect meaningfully with my infant. I can not recommend this class enough.

  • So much fun to see my baby connect with other babies

    It was such a joy to see my baby begin engaging so sweetly with other babies. Enjoyed these classes tremendously. My mother in law continued to bring my baby after I returned from maternity leave. She would always come away from each class with a new way to engage my daughter. It was delightful.